• Visa

    A visa is delivered by the French Consulate in your usual country of residence.

    The French Consulate will provide you with a visa corresponding to the motive (examination,studies or placement) for and duration of your stay in France (short or long stay).


    You must request a visa for France in order to study or carry out a placement there if:

    -You are acitizen of a country outside the European Union (EU)

    -You are in possession of a temporary residence permit delivered by another country in the Schengen Area

    You do not need a visa if:

    -If you are a citizen of the European Union (UE), the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland or Liechtenstein. Nor do
    you need to apply for a residence permit once you are in France. All you need is a valid identity card or passport.


    -If you have an EU Long-Term Resident’s Permit (CRLD-UE). BUT you will have to request a residence card when you arrive in France.


    -If you have a “student” Residence Card delivered in the context of a mobility program by another European Union State, you must follow the “Notification of the mobility in France ofa foreign student authorized to stay in another EU Member State” procedure.



    In order to obtain the right to stay in France, you must: validate your visa if you have a Long-Stay Visa valid as a Residence Permit (VLS-TS)

    request a residence permit if you have:

    · a Temporary Long-Stay Visa (VLS-T) with the reference “Residence Card to request upon arrival in France”

    · a short-term “competitive exam” visa and you have passed the exam for which the visa was delivered to you

    · a long-stay “school-going minor” visa and you are 18 years old


    · The “student” Temporary Long Stay Visa (aka VLS-T) with the reference “temporary waiver of residence permit” enables you to stay in France from 4 to 6 months maximum in order to attend a short course. It acts as temporary authorization to stay in France. So, you do
    not need to request a residence card as long as the visa is valid. When this type of visa expires, you must return to your country of residence.


    · It is very important to arrive with the “RIGHT” visa, as once you are in France, you will not be able to request:

    · modification of the status on your visa

    · a residence permit on the basis of a tourist visa

    · an extension of a tourist visa

    => If you arrive in France with a tourist visa and you want to study or carry out a placement there, you will have to return to your usual country of residence to request a “student”or “trainee” visa.


    Additional link : Foreigners student in France:long-stay visa or residence card | Service-Public.fr


  • Detailed information is coming soon. Meanwhile, feel free to send your questions and requests at info@greenanomaster.eu